Thursday, 19 May 2016

Oh My!

One word for today's ride - wind!  The forecast was for the wind to pick up about 11am with steady winds about 30 km/h and gusts up to about 50 km/hr.  The forecast direction was out of the southwest.  Reality - strong gusts had already started shortly after we headed out about 7:30 and while the direction was largely from the SW there was lots of swirling which brought it at us from every direction at some point during the day.  Our direction of travel was generally NW but lots of twists and turns that saw us ride a tailwind for about 20 miles and also head directly into it at times and be side-swiped by it at other times.  No one went down but it was sometimes a bit challenging to control the bike.  Not my most fun day on the bike.

Our first climb started at about 4 miles.  We were still on US395 but I was sure missing the nice wide shoulders that we had had on previous days.  A 7.4 miles climb up to Devil's Gate Summit.  Very pretty..........

Then a very long downhill mostly with the wind.  Not a lot of pedalling involved!

Then down to the West Walker River which we followed on its meandering course for a while.  Really started to feel the gusty winds now.  All the rivers that we saw today look like they're running quite high and fast.  Must be prime snow melt time.  Rode a fairly good tailwind through Walker, Coleville, and Topaz.

Then at 40 miles came the left turn (into the wind!) for our biggest climb of the day.  Monitor Pass - about 10 miles and 3500 feet, much of it into the wind - ugh!  My roommate, Gail, has just looked online and tells me that Monitor Pass is rated as the 78th hardest bike climb in the US.  Bet they didn't rate it on a windy day like today!  Of course, now I'm curious about what the other 77 are - so that I can avoid them!!  Once we got up higher, though, there were beautiful views down to where we had come from.

Then down the other side, holding on for dear life.  Thankfully the road surface was good and there was very little traffic.  Both going up and going down I just took the full lane so that if the wind moved me around a bit I would be OK.  The motorists were very good about that.  I even had one fellow going down while I was going up who was leaning out his window, pumping his fist in the air and cheering me on!  Nice...........

Just outside Markleeville we came upon some cattle branding going on.  Then into the town of 200 for a really bad pulled pork sandwich.  Just as well I guess since Emily could find neither meat nor fresh veggies in the Markleeville market. Still a good dinner, though.  On to the Woodfords Inn, another 6 miles down the road.  We instantly increased the population by 10%.  Glad to be in safely.  Pooped, but happy with the ride.

Stats for the day:
111 km / 68 miles from Bridgeport CA to Woodfords CA
6322 feet up
7159 feet down
Weather:  one word - wind!  Forecast was winds building to gusts of about 50 km/h. I think we hit that, at least. Temps from about 8C to mid 20s. Snow forecast for Tahoe tomorrow!


  1. Your fitness levels must be tenfold more than when you started :)

  2. Beautiful pictures. We are continually amazed by the stamina you have. We of course remember your hill climbing in Italy - extra Ks to climb the hill we could see from the Agriturismo.

  3. Sue...yikes is right! I love the scenery but too much hill climbing for me! Fist pumps from us too!

  4. Truly incredible - the "whole kit and caboodle".
    Also, National Geographic will be be calling for your photos.....
    C x

  5. Wow! What stamina! I can't imagine climbing that much in those conditions... Good on you!!

    The scenery is a good reward, though -- fabulous pics!
